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Wolverhampton representatives come together to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight

Representatives from across the city came together at the Change Makers Hub on Friday, 20 September, for the Wolverhampton City Fairtrade Partnership AGM and to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight.

Layla Perry aged-12 of Bilston Ormiston SWB Academy has been awarded the Wolverhampton Fairtrade Young Campaigner of the Year. With her at the back is Julia Farrell and school govenor, Sue Watson

At the event Councillor Carol Hyatt became the Wolverhampton City Partnerships first ever Fairtrade Ambassador.

Wolves Foundation spoke of the Fairtrade work they do with 20 schools across the city and Dr Mike Hardacre gave a rousing speech of why it is more important than ever that people buy Fairtrade with the climate change crisis.

Layla Perry from Ormiston SWB Academy Bilston was the first ever recipient of a new award. Wolverhampton Young Fairtrade Campaigner of the Year sponsored by Councillor Jenny Cockayne and Wolverhampton and Bilston Rotaries for her commitment in going above and beyond in raising awareness of Fairtrade. School governor Sue Watson said: "It's always wonderful to see students like Layla not only do well academically but also see them recognised for their achievements. The school are very proud of Layla."

Chair of the Partnership Julia Farrell said: "We thank everyone who came to support our AGM today and celebrate 30 years of the Fairtrade Mark first appearing on the supermarket shelves in the UK it was a wonderful success and I for one are very proud of our city the way it comes together to support Fairtrade.

"We campaign to get the message of Fairtrade across and encourage people to buy Fairtrade for the following reasons.

"By buying Fairtrade you are shopping ethically and sustainably. Seeing the Fairtrade Mark on products gives us as consumers the confidence that the people behind the products we buy will get a fair days pay for a fair day's work."

So #bethechange and by swapping one item in your shopping basket to Fairtrade you are empowering the farmers and producers who grow the produce that we can't grow here due to our climate: Things such as coffee beans, tea, cocoa beans for our chocolate and sugar cane.

By Julia Farrell - Contributor

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