Express & Star

Penkridge WI take a trip back to the 50s and 60s

Kath Reynolds and WI member Vicky Atkins with 1950s baby

We had an amusing talk by Kath Reynolds about 'Bringing up Baby' in the 50s and 60s at the May meeting. Kath mentioned the difference in the way we dressed our babies compared with now, the preparation of a layette - a bundle of baby clothes collected in readiness for the baby’s arrival, boys’ romper suits and girls’ dresses decorated with smocking, hand knitted matinee jackets, flannelette nighties worn by both boys and girls. A shocking memory was a reminder of when mother might be offered a cigarette after the delivery.

Advice on bringing up baby was given by Doctor Spock in his book which was published in 1950. Some good quotes were "Don’t be afraid to trust your own common sense" and "Trust yourself. you know more than you think"! The differences were many but overall, one was left with the impression that bringing up a baby in the 50s and 60s was a much more relaxed affair than today, learning as you went along, and probably much less expensive.

Before Kath gave her talk, Vicky Atkins, our President, welcomed the good turnout of 24 members plus one visitor and she presented Margaret Smallman, who is standing down from the committee, with a gift to thank her for the 24 years she has acted as our treasurer. Margaret also won the Bonny Baby photo competition.

Our next meeting is on June 3 in the Reading Rooms at 7.30pm. The speaker will be David Gethin, his subject being 'Woodbine Willy' and the competition is 'Smoking Memorabilia'.

By Pauline Smith - Contributor

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