Express & Star

'We came together to fight this': Wolves fan groups celebrate club's season ticket decision

Wolves supporter groups have hailed the reversal of some price hikes by the club and a price freeze for adults next season.

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After nearly 15,000 people signed a petition against the rises announced last month, with some junior tickets rising by as much as 176 per cent, the club reversed junior ticket rises and agreed a price freeze for adults for the 2025/26 season.

And the Wolves 1877 Supporters' Trust said the victory for fan power came about due to sustained pressure from fans and a 'full and frank exchange of views' at a meeting with executive chairman Jeff Shi.

In a statement, the Wolves 1877 Trust said: "The meeting came about thanks to the sustained pressure the trust and fan groups have placed on the club in response to its proposed ticket price increases.

"The meeting gave us a chance for a full and frank exchange of views and we laid bare the strength of feeling among the fan groups who have come together to fight these increases."

The trust also said they had won a commitment by the club, not to convert the Stan Cullis bar into a hospitality area, as originally announced.

The statement added: "The next step is for the trust to consult with its members and coalition partners to gauge the response of our fellow fans.

"The meeting has been an important step in opening dialogue with the true custodians of this club – its fans – and we are encouraged that the club agreed to it.

"While we hope to continue a constructive conversation with the club, our primary job is to ensure that the voice of these groups continues to be heard, loud and clear and the trust will continue to fulfil that role."