Express & Star

Albion Outlook: West Brom fans have their say after Alan Pardew keeps his job

Each week the Express & Star gives Albion fans a chance to have their say. This week, our contributors react to the news that Alan Pardew has kept his job despite six straight defeats.

Albion Outlook.

John Bissell

I feel by not sacking Pardew the club have given up the battle and this is the message being sent to the rest of the Premier league. Had we got in the likes of Pearson and Shakespeare they could well have turned things around. I’m sure money talks and getting that pair in on the back of paying a big bonus if we had survived might just have worked.

Let’s face it, if we made the appointments and still got relegated they would do a good job for us in the Championship. They would have had plenty of time to settle in, assess the club and the staff ready to kick start next season.

But knowing how Albion work it will take weeks after the end of this season to appoint someone. Then there’s the ins and outs to deal with. All very very typical and I’m sorry to say sums up just how badly run we look from the outside looking in.

James Pullen

It still baffles me why we got Pardew in the first place. For a club that needs a good leader we were better off keeping Megson. I don’t say that patronisingly, I would’ve personally have kept Megson until a more suitable candidate was available. These last few results have not surprised me the least. Lack of leadership off and on the pitch have contributed to this greatly.

I knew we were down when we lost to Stoke and Swansea so it baffles me why people like Moore and Foster can come out preaching the team ‘believe’ when at the end of the day actions speak louder than words and more than half that squad don’t ‘believe’ in themselves let alone our chances of staying up.

Keep Evans out the side now to sell him on injury free in the summer, get Gabr prepped with Hegazi and let’s give Field, Leko and Burke atl east a run in the team. Phillips’s season should be over now, as should Barry’s and Livermore’s after Barcelona.

I can’t wait for the clearance sales in the summer. One player I will miss is Dawson. You’re mad if you think he’ll stay in the Championship next season. But atleast it’ll be good riddance to Pardew. We’ve sacked managers for less and God knows why he’s still here.

I am worried for what next season holds. It would’ve been bad enough being relegated a few years ago but now the Championship is looking as competitive as the Premier League. If we don’t get the right attitude and mentality going into next season it’ll take years to get out that league.

Lee Smith

I’m really not sure where to begin and I’m not sure why Alan Pardew is still employed. The board is bordering on apathy or incompetence, neither of which is good. There’s an overwhelming lack of leadership all around the club. From ownership and the executive team to management to the players. I don’t see or hear anyone standing up and taking control of the situation. Being big enough to throw us on their shoulder and carry us through.

Can you imagine this being allowed to happen under Jeremy Peace’s stewardship? Love him or hate him, he was a fantastic business man and knew when ruthless decisions needed to be made. I’m prepared to give Mark Jenkins a chance bearing in mind he’s just inherited this desperate situation but the next five months are going to be some of the toughest of his career.

He needs to re-tool us for the Championship an unforgiving league where you’re relentlessly playing twice a week. It starts with a head coach who will need to give us our pride back and then we have the playing staff.

When I look around at the current squad, there aren’t many I would keep. Dawson, Brunt, Foster, Hergazi, the kids and that’s about it. We must recruit well and there’s going to be a lot of change. It’s needed. Currently, we’re drifting aimlessly, hopelessly and we need a sign, anything that gives us confidence there’s a plan we can get behind and believe in.

Clint McCormick

Well Saturday was another nail in the coffin. The way the goal came just about summed up this season. It’s going to take something phenomenal now and it doesn’t look like the players can produce it and most of the fans have thrown in the towel.

It took us so long to get to the Premier League and teams don’t automatically bounce back even after a few years so there’s no reason not to push and hope results can go for us. You never know, 34 points may be enough.

Three years ago Leicester had less points than us going into the last nine games. Thirteen months later they won the Premier League.

Alan Foster

In all the years of supporting years and going through the ups and downs, and there have been a few, I honestly cannot remember ever feeling such lethargy around the club.

It’s a very worrying time for the club and dare I say it but you only need look at Sunderland to see how far you can fall in a short time and it’s a very long road back.

I agree with the general opinion that if we can’t get the right man in to manage the club at this moment in time, we would probably be better off waiting until the end of the season. That said I would have liked the club to have at least tried something more proactive as other clubs have, in appointing a fresh face on a short term contact, after all what was there to lose.

I look at the other two clubs in the midlands and hope we are as aggressive as they are in getting back to the Premiership as they are.

There are very worrying signs at the club I love at the moment, I hope we don’t sleepwalk through the Championship as Sunderland are doing at the moment.

Paul Chappell

Well the two 'must win' games worked out well didn't they? To be honest I think everyone has now accepted the inevitable, the apathy of this season has the potential to waft around our squad for years to come as we throw away the last eight years worth of hard work.

I only hope that the powers that be start making some positive steps to arrest the slide sooner rather than later. It makes business sense not to release Pardew until relegation is confirmed so that the 'break clause' we've heard so much about is able to be applied.

Then you've got to start looking forward and at the squad which is, to be blunt, too old, too slow and too predictable.

We know the obvious suspects who will be in demand or demand to leave, and the club must start making arrangements for this eventuality now.

I'd love to see a clean sweep, a host of 'thank you for your services' handed out at the end of the year to the likes of Mozza, Myhill, Gmac and Barry so we can start picking young and hungry players.

Obviously this being West Brom, I await the appointment of a tired old predictable manager and the predictable mid-table finish.

Sarah Rudge

Another week. Another defeat. Same old story. It feels like a never ending season of struggle, hurt and relegation seems inevitable to even the most optimistic of supporters. The only positive to take from the Watford game was that we at least showed more effort and gave a better performance than against Huddersfield, though in all honesty that wasn't difficult. One simple error in the middle of the park and any chance of avoiding another defeat was snatched away from us.

There has been a large amount of criticism aimed at Salomon Rondon, to an extent unfairly so. Yes he misses chances he should be taking and we are right to expect more from our main striker. However, the service he receives from our midfielders is simply non existent at times. Whether this is because we are afraid of committing too many players forward I'm not sure but Rondon seems to be increasingly isolated in most games. Despite his brace against Liverpool, goals from record signing Jay Rodriguez have been few and far between but he seems to have escaped the brunt of criticism. What is certain is that if we are to pull off the most miraculous of great escapes, we need everyone to contribute as a team.