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Roberto Carlos pulls pints, signs contract and videocalls Sergio Ramos at Shrewsbury pub

Brazilian legend Roberto Carlos got the full Sunday League experience as he joined his new teammates for a few beers at the local.

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The former Real Madrid left-back had turned out for the Bull in the Barne at Hanwood Village Hall on Friday morning after the Shrewsbury Sunday League side won a competition with eBay.

The big question was whether World Cup winner would be sticking to tradition and heading back to the boozer after the match – and he didn't disappoint.

Carlos joined his new teammates at the Bull in the Barne in Shrewsbury where he had a go at pulling his own pint, video-called fellow World Cup winner and Real Madrid legend Sergio Ramos, and even signed his name on the official Sunday League forms.

The Brazilian, who was also joined by Sky pundit Chris Kamara, got stuck into a bottle of Budweiser before moving onto a pint of Madri, while signing a host of shirts for the Barne players.

Striker Matt 'Chicken' Brown said Carlos had stayed for nearly three hours, and said "he was properly down to earth," adding "he was unreal, he could not do enough for us".

The video call to Ramos, who currently plays for Paris Saint Germain alongside Lionel Messi, Kylian Mbappe, and Neymar, was a stand-out moment and has gone viral on social media, with wild cheers as the Spaniard answered the call.

Matt said: "We were just chatting and one of the lads, because there's a Ronaldinho shirt in the bar, said 'you reckon you could get him on FaceTime?', he said 'no, but I will try Sergio'."

Carlos signing shirts at the pub
Carlos enjoying a pint at the bar

Matt added: "When he answered it was the same as the rest of the day, it was amazing.

"On the video you can't see because it cuts off but we were shouting down the phone and he was loving it, giving it the fist pump, it was unreal."

Barne manager and goalkeeper – and Carlos' gaffer for the day – Ed Speller said the Brazilian had settled in as though he was one of the team.

He said: "He was was really great guy. As much as he does not speak much English he gets the banter and the vibe of the lads, he was laughing and joking with us, especially with the Sergio Ramos facetime call."

Roberto Carlos scored a second-half penalty for the Bull in the Barne
Locals found novel ways of getting a good view of the action

He added: "He had a few beers with everyone, nothing was forced, it just felt natural, obviously everyone was still in awe of him.

"He stopped round for photos, signed everything, he was more than happy to do it and we didn't feel like a burden at all."

He added: "One moment you're in awe of a star and the next moment you are having a chill and a chat."

Matt Brown with Chris Kamara
Carlos arrives at the Bull in the Barne.

Matt said that landlord Richard Dixon had said Carlos' bar work might need a bit of practice after the star's attempt at pulling his own pint of Madri.

The striker said it had been an amazing – and utterly surreal experience.

He said: "As soon as he walked out the door we were just there looking at each other saying 'has that actually happened?'."

Carlos showing off his Sunday League signing-on form with Matt Brown

The Barne forward had also missed out on getting on the score-sheet in the day's friendly defeat against Harlescott Rangers, with Carlos coming off the bench to take a penalty.

With penalties normally his duty, he said he had raised the issue with the Brazilian star after the match.

He said: "It was my pen, I was ready to take it! I am the penalty taker and I was just about to step up and they were like 'no'. All the lads have taken the mick out of my face when I turned round and realised.

"I did get an apology off him when we had all the pictures though!"

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