Express & Star

Walsall satisfied, Lich delighted

With Walsall embroiled in cup action this weekend against Ampthill, the break in league fixtures offered coach Gez Tillott a chance for rueful reflection on his side's current Midlands Two West position of fourth.


ball.jpgWith Walsall embroiled in cup action this weekend against Ampthill, the break in league fixtures offered coach Gez Tillott a chance for rueful reflection on his side's current Midlands Two West position of fourth.

Satisfied would be the word best used to describe his thoughts when viewing the table and seeing his side three points off the leaders.

If that situation remains the same at Christmas, having lost three games, then the Welshman believes his side outfit will be well in the promotion mix at the end of the season.

Walsall overcame a decent but uninspiring Whitchurch side 21-13 on Saturday with a performance of considerable heart.

Tillott enjoyed seeing such determination in his side and now hopes his players can reciprocate it in games away from the haven of Delves Road.

Walsall at home and Walsall away are entirely different animals.

Tillott said: "Our performance was better than the scoreline suggests.

"The forwards again worked hard and stood out. I think our front five are among the best in the league and they are putting in a good shift every week.

"We showed a lot of heart at times and three or four weeks ago I think we may not have been up to it."

The challenge of Ampthill also provides Tillott with the chance to look at some of the lesser-tested players in his squad.

He said: "Of course we want to get through to the next round of the cup but the league is undoubtedly the main priority.

"The top sides have some tricky fixtures in the coming weeks so it will be interesting.

"If we can get to Christmas having lost three games then we will be in the mix at the end of the season."

Club captain Pierre Barneix, whose leadership has been sorely missed in the first part of the campaign, could return in January.

Lichfield may have forfeited their place at the top of Midlands Two West on points difference but in beating Solihull they registered their best result of the campaign.

The visitors to Cooke Fields did the double over Lich last season, so the 26-18 victory on Saturday quenched the hosts' thirst for revenge as much as did satisfy their burning desire for promotion.

Against Solihull's giant pack Lich showed familiar resilience.

Character has been as much a strength in the side as skill this term so it was no surprise that the home side did not crumble under severe first half pressure.

Lich had scored early through winger Ngoma before conceding two pushover scores and one out wide to trail 15-5.

John Hicks crossed and, as usual, the trusty boot of Russ Clarke had restored some confidence. With the elements behind Lich after the break, it was clear they had weathered the worst of the storm.

Danny Albutt went over shortly after the break for a converted score and, with Clarke using the wind well, Lichfield's pack started to gain a parity which preceeded dominance.

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