Marbles Homemakers Ltd
The people at Marbles are amazing. If you live in Tipton, you will probably have passed the shop as you've gone through Great Bridge.

A lot of us wondered what would become of the old 'Total DIY' when it closed. Marbles came in and opened a charity shop; but it's much more than a shop – it's a caring, welcoming place that gives me a warm glow when I walk in.
Marbles Homemakers Ltd was founded in 2007 by Kevin Robbins, whose passion is fuelled by his own incredible life experiences, leading him to develop a vision to reduce stress and poverty for people facing mental health difficulties. Kevin still leads the vision and mission for the organisation from his position as chief executive officer.
Frank Bruno's own issues with mental health have been fairly high profile, and he's been championing Marbles Homemakers' work with people who have mental ill health, as well as the great role Marbles plays in recycling across Sandwell.

Back in April Frank visited Marbles's new warehouse – The Bridge – in Charles Street, Great Bridge. It was good to see him in Tipton!
A friendship cafe which offers free drinks, delicious cake, and a friendly atmosphere for a chat.
Donations to those who are needy and in poverty.
Julie Hickman, who works at Marbles, tells us more:
"Marbles is an innovative, independent organisation set up to work with those who need support when setting up and maintaining their home. It aims to meet the needs of the most vulnerable in society. It provides recycled furniture and household items and distributes them to those most in need at a minimal cost or no cost.
"It plays a crucial role in combating poverty, stress, homelessness, reducing crime, and reducing the number of people feeling socially excluded due to suffering or recovering from mental health issues, such as depression; breakdown and diagnosed disorders including clinical depression, Asperger Syndrome, Bipolar, and many more mental health challenges.
"The Charity benefits a wide range of people; those on low incomes, the elderly and disabled communities who may not otherwise have access and/or financial resources to afford essential household items. Items are donated by people who are unable to dispose of their unwanted items and collected at no cost.
"Marbles provide support to help people equip, build, and sustain a home, thus playing a crucial role in combating poverty, reducing offending and re-offending; stress and homelessness.
"The project was started with the main aim of supporting vulnerable people facing mental health issues, and has developed and grown to meet the housing support needs of all vulnerable people within Sandwell. Beneficiaries include victims of domestic violence, marriage and relationship breakdown, those in severe poverty, offenders released from serving custodial sentences, those suffering substance misuse such as drugs and/or alcohol, asylum seekers and refugees, and people needing help and support who are totally isolated without family or friends.
"Marbles aims to reduce debt to families whilst encouraging individuals to reuse & recycle and prevent unnecessary landfill.
"Marbles is a Christian based organisation and they donate to other charities, organisations and people in need.
Marbles's Mission is to bring people and opportunities together, to help transform lives, reduce isolation, social exclusion, increase mental well-being – encouraging safer and stronger communities."
Next time you are passing in Great Bridge, pop in for a cuppa!