'We must all help by taking our rubbish home with us' - Your Letters: March 12

Before spring growth comes, our road verges and other lanes and paths need care. The amount of rubbish people throw away as they travel is in stark view now. It looks awful, but worse, it could destroy the lives of animals and birds, even some delicate plants.
During the coldest weather they are not too active, but with warmth they will be in full readiness to enjoy new life that they feel. Eating or getting caught in the rubbish can cause injury or death.
Many volunteer to do such work and we all benefit from their efforts. Thank you everyone, your time and effort is appreciated. We must all help simply by taking our rubbish home with us. Just pop it all in one bag, then into a bin, and all is well with the world, providing authorities keep the bins properly cleared. Overfilled bins destroy all efforts and discourage the public from continuing to take care. One piece of dropped and blown rubbish almost encourages others to fail to take that little extra effort.
We’ll all benefit from it.
B A Flowers, West Midlands