Express & Star

'Show you are the representatives of all of us' - Your Letters: February 20



The Prime Minister has met the families of the people murdered in Nottingham. They have been promised a public inquiry, led by a judge, into the events and lead up to the horrible day when their relatives were murdered.

Some good news there. But why does that seem better treatment than the relatives, and victims, of the child sex abuse cases that have been in the media for months? They have reportedly been offered small semi-private inquiries in the local areas where the horrendous crimes took place against children and vulnerable young people so naturally will not be as searching and wide ranging as the Nottingham one. I could be radical and accuse our present Government of being discriminatory against the sex abuse victims. Or is it 'proof' that this Government listens to people's concerns by jumping onto the bandwagon and showing concern and support for potential middle class votes? Or, even worse, potentially 'sharing' the blame for the sex abuse onto the victims, excusing the inaction of Police and Social Services who, according to media allegations, knew what was going on?

Delaying justice has been a denial of justice for the victims, someone with even basic common sense, never mind legal qualifications like the Prime Minister, knows. By refusing a public Inquiry that accusation is difficult for this Government to answer or defend their inaction.