Express & Star

Peter Rhodes on goaty milk, killer dogs and slagging-off cowboys

Yesterday's reference to goats' milk ice-cream may have looked like an endorsement of goat-based products. Not exactly. As a general rule, you can get the milk out of the goat but you'll never quite get the goat out of the milk.

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Where do you want the concrete?

Spooky technology corner. Our old smart meter was not smart enough to duck when lightning struck Chateau Rhodes a couple of years ago. It was frazzled beyond repair. The power company E.on quickly replaced it with a traditional meter, with the promise of a shiny new smart one soon. Many months passed. A few nights ago Mrs Rhodes and I were talking about ordering a smart meter when the phone rang. It was someone from E.on asking if we fancied a new smart meter. I mean, what are the odds?

Or, in these data-leaking days, could our meter simply be talking to the other chip-driven devices in the house who cyber-blab our conversations to E.on? I've never really trusted that toaster.