Express & Star

Star comment: Starmer needs to show that his Labour can be trusted

He may not have mentioned him by name, but Jeremy Corbyn was definitely the elephant in the room when Sit Keir Starmer spoke to the CBI.

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Mr Corbyn caused huge damage to the Labour movement as he made it unelectable and led it to a huge election defeat. Sir Keir is continuing to repair the damage and it was surely the ghost of Mr Corbyn that he addressed when he spoke about Labour’s recent past at the CBI Conference in Birmingham.

Mr Corbyn’s legacy remains his big problem because however much he attempts to shape himself as the future PM, large parts of the electorate still fear the Corbynites within the Labour Party. There is a legitimate concern that if Labour swung the party so far left in recent times, how can voters be sure that won’t happen again?

Corbyn never got the chance to play with the British politics. In a battle of two bad choices, Boris Johnson defeated him. Ironically, it was Liz Truss who showed us just what happens when ideology outweighs common sense.

Sir Keir must continue to show the British people that he can be trusted and - most importantly - that his premiership will not be hijacked by the Corbyn-supporting Momentum elements of the party.

Having a strong opposition is good for British politics and Mr Starmer has done a good job in steering Labour back towards the centre ground. He still has considerable work to do to win an election – rather than banking on the Conservatives to lose one. Rishi Sunak is doing a good job in make the Conservatives credible after two poor prime ministers. Sir Keir has his work cut out if he wishes to claim the top job.


It is easy to mock Boy George and his eccentricities. I’m A Celebrity has devoted plenty of airtime to his chanting, tapping and yoga meditation. It has, however, raised the profile of yoga and how it can help an individual relax. And with all the troubles we find ourselves in at the moment, that cannot be a bad thing.

Boy George has shown us how he manages to stay sane and keep mind, body and soul together. While some will find that peculiar, others will take comfort from it as they look to do something similar in their own lives.

Beyond that, I’m A Celebrity has provided a welcome distraction from the catalogue of problems that the nation faces. It’s mostly harmless entertainment and if there are those who connect with particular elements, like yoga with Boy George, then all power to them. We need a lift in troubled times.