Express & Star

Express & Star comment: Time to support the Midlands Air Ambulance

It’s impossible to imagine a world without the Midlands Air Ambulance.

Midlands Air Ambulance

It saves countless lives each year. It also provides people with serious injury a better chance of recovery by attending the scene of dreadful accidents much more quickly than a land ambulance might. The vital minutes saved are the difference between life and death, between being able to walk and being paralysed, between a slow and painful recovery or one that is much quicker. In many ways it is remarkable that the Air Ambulance has always been outside the terms that might make it eligible for Government funding. While the NHS relies exclusively on our taxes and the Government coffers, the Air Ambulance raises its own money to pay its way.

Normally, that means it is free of Government interference and it can operate on highly organised and highly efficient lines. However, in such times as these it is cut adrift. The organisation needs more than £9 million each year to operate but it is facing a chronic shortage of funds and urgently needs members of the public to step up. Without their funding, it will face its own struggle for survival. In normal times, the Air Ambulance relies on donations from charity shops and fundraising events, in addition to those from wills. However, with shops closed and fundraising events cancelled or indefinitely postponed, the river is running dry. Little wonder it has issued an urgent appeal to the public to find new ways to support it. We know that as a region we are capable of keeping the Air Ambulance afloat. We only have to turn to the magnificent example of Captain Tom Moore whose tens of millions for the NHS have been transformative. He has kept spirits high while also delivering an all-important cash boost to those who need it most.

Could there be another Captain Tom lurking in this area? Might there be others who could generate more modest amounts to a deserving cause. The answer, of course, is yes. Now is the time for people to stand up and be counted. All donations will be received warmly by a vital service that faces a financial crisis unless people help out.