Express & Star

Express & Star comment: Christina Edkins' family deserves answers

Five years after the tragic death of Christina Edkins, we are still left with more questions than answers.

Christina Edkins' family deserve answers

The teenager was stabbed by paranoid schizophrenic Philip Simelane on the top deck of a bus in Birmingham while on her way to school.

Her killer had been released from prison under no supervision just months prior to the fatal attack.

In terrible cases such as this, we constantly hear the phrase 'lessons have been learned'.

But it is vital that these lessons result in concrete actions that can reduce the chances of tragedy striking again.

Following the investigation into Christina's death, a list of 25 recommendations were put forward as part of an improvement plan.

Up to last June, we understand that 14 of them have been completed.

It is imperative that progress on this is swift.

The public needs reassurance that the authorities are able to deal with released prisoners who have mental health issues.

Most importantly of all, Christina's family deserve answers.