Express & Star

Express & Star comment: Weak leadership fuelling crime rise

Is anyone surprised that crime has risen over the past year?

Is Home Secretary Amber Rudd doing enough to tackle the rise in crime?

Official figures showing a 14 per cent hike in all crime across the West Midlands are likely to be met in many quarters with little more than a shrug of the shoulders.

It is not that people do not care.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

But rising crime is considered a given in the current shambles of our broken criminal justice system.

This newspaper is sick to the eye teeth of reporting on a daily stream of sickening crimes and rampant lawlessness on our streets.

Everyone in authority should be working tirelessly to address this issue.

Yet all we get is mealy-mouthed words and right-on initiatives.

The reasons for this crime surge are manifold.

Many of those among the higher ranks of authority should hang their heads in shame over these disgraceful figures.

The buck stops at the very top, with the pathetic Home Secretary Amber Rudd and our weak Prime Minister Theresa May.