Express & Star

Express & Star comment: Why it’s not snow bad staying in

On the face of it, Great Britain responded to the weekend's 'white hell' in the usual way – panic and mayhem.

Tractors attempted to clear roads around the M54

Planes, trains and automobiles came to a standstill, schools closed, venues and attractions shut with shows cancelled and everyone took to social media to complain about the lack of gritters.

But if we actually looked past the smoke screen of retweets, shares and keyboard complainers and considered how we coped with the worst weather seen in the West Midlands for many years then maybe it wasn't that bad.

All councils had gritters out throughout the night - crews are on standby 24 hour - and the ploughs were out again as the sun came up to get main roads clear.

The salt is only so effective when four to six centimetres of snow come down upon it within a few hours. Still they went back out again to make sure main routes were clear for those who really had to travel.

Fortunately the heaviest snow came, as forecast, yesterday when most people weren't at work and could stay home in the warm, safe and sound.

Sadly a lot of events had to be cancelled but isn't it better that staff, performers and large audiences do not have to add to the traffic already struggling on our snow-covered transport network.

And decisions were only made after a great deal of discussion and investigation.

Severn Valley Railway was ultimately forced to cancel its rides including the popular Santa trains - but only after volunteers slept at stations overnight and cleared platforms, de-iced the tracks and did everything they could to tackle head-on the terrible weather that was forecast.

There is no day off for the ambulance staff, the police and fire crews. Or the road rescue patrols enduring their busiest shifts of the year.

What about the carers, nurses, meals and wheels drivers - all these people that will get out one way or another despite the weather.

How grateful they must be for those making frivolous outings and causing mayhem on the roads.

It may have been inconvenient for some but the buses were right to stay off the road where possible and avoid blocking off streets in the treacherous conditions.

The many lorries which came to a standstill on countless inclines making the roads even more hazardous may have questioned just how urgent that delivery was.

Many Midlandss dealt with this unusually heavy snowfall in the best way possible - with some common sense. Staying off the roads and out of the freezing conditions to allow those who have to work whatever the weather to do their job.

And those who didn't have to work were able to enjoy the Winter Wonderland outside.