Express & Star

Star Comment: Christmas is coming and it's time to support our shops

We’ll whisper it...Christmas is coming. Yes, we said it.

Debenhams will be having its first Christmas in Wolverhampton

Believe it or not there are fewer than 40 days to the big day – and just six weekends to get your shopping done.

With the internet it has never been easier to snap up all of your gifts in one swoop.

Many see it as a way of avoiding the queues, finding somewhere to park, and battling the traffic.

But it’s not really the same, is it?

And this year there are many reasons why it would be better to pop into Wolverhampton for your Christmas shopping

First of all, the council has revealed that there will be free car parking available at various times through the coming weeks and weekends. This will be a major boost to traders.

Too often shoppers are put off by extortionate charges for just a few hours.

This will encourage more people to head into the city.

Secondly, this will be the first year that Debenhams will be in Wolverhampton.

The department store will have a wide range of great gifts for all of the family, so it is definitely worth a visit.

And while you’re in town, check out the other great shops the city has to offer.

Thirdly, the A41 Bilston Road Metro works will be finished, meaning that it will be much easier to get in and out of the city than it has been for the past few weeks.

Finally, it is important to support our town centres.

The high street is the bedrock and epicentre of any community. But if we decide to stay away we risk losing them completely.

This will mean people lose their jobs and that the local economy will capitulate. It is in all of our interests to do all we can to breathe life into our town centres.

Wolverhampton and the Black Country prides itself on its identity.

Its people, its character, and its charm is what makes it such a great place to grow up, live, and work.

And we risk losing our very identity if our historic city and town centres are left to rot while faceless out-of-town shopping centres and warehouses manned by robots take all the profits.

Christmas is the best time of year.

It is about family, love, respect and being appreciative of what we have.

Let’s not lose that.