Express & Star

Express & Star comment: Brown and his friends don’t get it

They just don't get it, do they?

Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown yesterday joined his old foes Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson in vying to be the Brexit destroyer-in-chief.

When will they accept they are on the wrong side of history?

And when will they start to understand that the very reason so many people voted to leave the European Union was because of politicians like them?

They are part of the problem, not the solution.

Mr Brown, who is doing so many worthy things now he has left political office, is simply deluded if he thinks what this country needs is a second referendum.

We are leaving the EU.

And if we don't, it will be a gross betrayal of the 17 million people who were looking for a voice and found it during the referendum campaign.

Politicians who advocated Remain need to stop going over the arguments of last summer.

All they are doing is undermining the Government's position whilst negotiating the most important deal for Britain since the Second World War.

Labour is increasingly trying to frustrate the situation with its muddled position trying to be all things to all people.

While the hysterical pro-Remain press and left-wing broadcast media relish the chance to trash Theresa May's efforts at every opportunity.

Cynically this will do nothing but hurt the national economy – something the Labour and certain commentators appear to want to achieve in an attempt to derail our exit from the EU.

Some people may question Gordon Brown's motives for wading into the debate at this crucial time.

Some would say it is rather convenient that he has a new book out, which he is trying to promote ahead of Christmas.

Not exactly in the national interest, is it?

We all know that had Remain won the referendum it would have been the end of argument for a generation, possibly for ever.

But in their wisdom the British people decided to take back control of sovereignty while looking beyond the borders of Europe for a truly international future.

They saw the EU for what it really is – a political project and a protectionist block that is self-serving for the elite and powerful.

Brown, Blair and Mandelson would be better off keeping a dignified silence, rather than crying wolf and causing further division and tension during what always was going to be a time of huge upheaval and challenge.