Express & Star

Express & Star Comment: Focus must stay on cutting crime

On the face of it, a rise in hate crimes of nearly a third over the last year is cause for concern.

Focus must stay on cutting crime

However, it is important to note that only around one in five of a reported 4,000 incidents in 2016 resulted in a conviction.

In fact, across the country only a small proportion of crimes categorised in this way ever end up in a court of law.

Police believe hate crime is underreported, and the region's crime commissioner is right to stress that West Midlands Police have a 'zero tolerance' policy towards it.

But the priority of all of our police forces should be in tackling all forms of crime.

This is particularly pertinent at a time when the crime rate across the region is going through the roof.

Official figures released last month showed significant increases in house burglaries, robberies, thefts, and car crimes, while crimes involving knives and other weapons had also shot up.

Reducing all forms of crime should be the focus of every police force.