Express & Star

Star comment: Time to get tough Prime Minister

Speaking of caving in, the Conservative Party should not be seen to be backtracking in any way, shape or form over Brexit.

Theresa May

Theresa May is now widely perceived as the weakest British leader since John Major.

Yet she has the power to change, if only she is willing to make the right decisions. This will involve the Prime Minister adopting a tough approach over a number of issues.

Both Mrs May and David Davis must be strong when dealing with the EU during the Brexit negotiations.

Mrs May must deal with backbench rebels, while she should also show a strong hand with sections of the broadcast media, who seem intent on derailing the entire process.

It is also time for Mrs May to get tough with the Labour party and its muddled Brexit strategy.

The Prime Minister once said she was a ‘bloody difficult woman’, but she has turned out to be a woman who finds things difficult. Now is the time for her to start putting things right, for the sake of the 17.4 million people who voted to leave the EU.