Express & Star

Star comment: HS2 deal is major help for Carillion

It is nice to see construction giant Carillion get a share of the HS2 pie. The troubled firm is part of a partnership that will be involved in two projects, which could potentially bring in millions for the local economy.


Carillion as a firm certainly needs a boost following last week’s dire profit warning which saw its share price collapse by more than 70 per cent when it became public knowledge.

The announcement of the HS2 deal may well be the fillip required to enable bosses to steady the ship.

As far as HS2 is concerned, it now seems clear that it will go ahead, despite widespread opposition.

The time has come for us to accept that high speed rail is coming, although many people will understandably remain sceptical of its overall benefits.

The sensible thing for us to do now is fight for the best possible deal for businesses and communities across the region.

We want the best contracts for firms in this area. Hopefully the Carillion deal will just be the start.

And equally as important is the need to ensure that HS2 brings the economic benefits to the Black Country and Staffordshire that we have been promised since the scheme was first mooted all that time ago.

As we have said on many occasions in the past, the project has the potential to be a disastrous white elephant.

But it could also be a major step forward in 21st century transport.

We will probably never have the full version as to why David Cameron was so fervent in his backing of HS2.

Undoubtedly his desire to have achieved something during his tarnished time in office was one factor, as was the drive to soothe his notorious ego.

As it is we must now embrace HS2, even though opposition to it will almost certainly continue for the duration of its construction and beyond.

By 2026 the first high speed trains are expected to start arriving at Stafford Station.

In the meantime, we must make sure that the interests of local businesses and communities are at the forefront of any plans.

Like it or not, HS2 is coming. It is up to the Black Country and Staffordshire to make the most of it.