Express & Star

Star comment: Cost of M6 Toll to be considered

On the face of it, little has changed as the ownership of the M6 Toll passes from one giant Australian company to another.

The M6 toll

Despite making heavy losses in previous years, the road's new owner IFM sees it as a sound investment and a route to profit.

In the past, the M6 Toll has lost money mainly because of the need to pay off the substantial mortgage taken out to pay for its construction.

But following restructuring in recent years and the sale of the road, that mortgage has effectively been wiped away.

With calls to nationalise the route seemingly fading away, the path is now clear for the M6 Toll to finally make a profit.

However, it is vital that IFM puts road users at the very top of its list of considerations.

Under Midland Expressway, the road saw increases in usage figures year-on-year.

Yet it has never come close to hitting the targets set out when it opened in late 2003.

Many motorists have argued that usage costs - currently £5.50 for cars and £11 for HGVs - are too high.

Cost is certainly one area of concern that the new bosses would be wise to address.