Express & Star

Star comment: Stafford events in square is great idea

Holding more outdoor markets in the centre of Stafford could provide a valuable fresh boost to trade in the county town.

Stafford town centre

Stafford has a proud history as a market town with its showpiece Market Square at its trading heart since the Middle Ages at least.

But in recent years, the beautiful square in front of the Shirehall has been used only for one-off events and occasional food and drink, farmers and antiques markets.

Now, Stafford Borough Council is asking its planning committee to give approval for the square and five of the streets around it to be used for holding outdoor markets, events and exhibitions on up to seven days a week.

Since the opening of the £100 million Riverside shopping development, the focus of shopping has shifted a little away from the traditional town centre streets but this proposal could help to ensure the shops in this area get a welcome boost.

While the borough council says that the move will not mean a daily market will be coming to the town, it will need to be careful to ensure that holding more outdoor markets does not damage the viability of Stafford Indoor Market, next to the Guildhall Shopping Centre in Earl Street.

It has often been a struggle to attract market traders to the former St John’s Market in recent years despite regular investment by the council.

If more markets are held in the square, it will be essential to try and include the indoor market, possibly with large signs to direct visitors to the stalls there as well.

There is no reason why visitors to new markets will confine their shopping to just the stalls, and they are sure to want to explore the many and varied interesting shops that Stafford has to offer.

Holding more events in the square is a great idea.

It is already an impressive part of the annual Stafford Half Marathon and the Christmas lights switching on and parade, and recent initiatives such as the town’s cheese and ale festival taking place tomorrow and Saturday.

Having more special activities can only help to make Stafford an even more attractive place to come and shop and enjoy the great atmosphere that the county town provides.