Express & Star

Express & Star comment: Thieves are lowst of the low

Just when you thought some criminals couldn’t sink any lower.

Last updated
The damage at the church

It turns out that the recent raid on Christ Church in Coseley was not an isolated incident.

Two more churches, St Peter’s in Cradley and St Pauls in Blackheath, have now also been targeted by what looks like an organised gang.

They know what they are looking for and are going prepared to stop at nothing to get their hands on their ill-gotten gains.

And the treasure they seek?

The churches’ precious communion silver.

How despicable can you get?

These historic items have largely been donated by parishioners over the years in memory of loved ones.

The emotional value far outstrips the financial gain the thieves will take.

And the silverware itself, often finely crafted and of historical significance will be lost forever, most likely melted down within hours and sold on for a tawdry profit.

The Bishop of Dudley says he is ‘sickened’ by the thefts and he is not alone.

Any right-thinking member of society will look at these disgraceful acts and shake their heads in despair, not only at the utter lack of morals of the thieves, but also the inadequacies of our criminal justice system.

Will these thefts from Christian churches be prioritised and treated as ‘hate crimes’ that the government is so keen to stamp out?

They certainly should be.

And if – admittedly it is a big if – the culprits are caught will they face the full force of the law, or will churches now be seen as any other building to be broken into?

West Midlands Police needs to allocate whatever resources it can muster to track down this gang before they strike again.

In the meantime, all places of worship should take extra care with their precious items and ensure their security is as good as it can possibly be.

It is a sad reflection on the state of society and the sooner the culpritse are behind bars, the better.