Express & Star

Love pours in for Telford bus driver famous for flowing locks and friendliness as he retires aged 74

A beloved Telford bus driver has retired after almost five decades behind the wheel.

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Dave Skitt has retired after 37 years with Arriva

With his iconic long white hair and ever-cheery demeanour, Arriva driver Dave Skitt will be a familiar face to many who have ridden on the buses in Telford and beyond.

Now, after 37 years of driving for Arriva, 74-year-old Dave has taken his final fare.

Dave first got behind the wheel of his father-in-law's coach back in 1976, going on to work as a driver for Midland Red before the company ceased operation in 1981.

Dave Skitt in 2019

Over the years he's become somewhat of an icon on local routes, with his retirement sparking a huge outpouring of love on both the buses and social media.