Express & Star

Bike rides to be delivered across the West Midlands

Up to 100 organisations from across the West Midlands are being encouraged to switch to cycling with free cycle parking.

A cyclist uses a designated cycle lane. Photo: PA

The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) is offering to deliver free bike racks to up to 100 businesses, education centres, health establishments and community organisations looking to adapt to Covid-19.

Workers across the country are being asked to cycle or walk to work where they can, with public transport and the use of private cars being discouraged wherever possible.

And, in partnership with Park that Bike, the WMCA is trying to help people make the transition.

Organisations wishing to apply will each be eligible for four cycle stands free of charge, and will be asked to choose between conventional bike racks, heart-shaped stands, wall-mounted rails, PlantLocks (a combined planter and bike rack) and free-standing "toast-racks".

Once they have chosen their preferred design, experts at Park That Bike will be available to support organisations find the best location for their new parking, with the only qualifier that it needs to be located on private land.

Following this the cycle racks will be sent out to successful applicants, which will then have ten weeks to install them.

The scheme has already received support from across the political spectrum, with Councillor Waseem Zaffar, Birmingham City Council cabinet member for transport and the environment, tweeting his support for it last week.

West Midlands Mayor Andy Street, who has given his backing to the scheme, said: "As people begin to return to work we are encouraging them to walk and cycle wherever possible.

"To help support this shift and make journeys easier TfWM is looking at introducing a range of measures, including the addition of new cycle parking.

"I would strongly urge any businesses and organisations which are reopening following lockdown to consider whether cycle parking would help their staff make that switch and, if they meet our criteria, apply to our scheme.

"The scheme will form just a small part of our cycling and walking plan for the region, which I hope we will be able to make public very soon."

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