Express & Star

Wolverhampton named among slowest cities in UK for clogged roads and traffic jams

Wolverhampton has been named as one of the slowest cities in the UK for drivers - with council chiefs accused of 'waging a war against motorists'.

Slow moving traffic is a problem in the city according to the survey

Analysis by vehicle tracking firm Satrak ranked Wolverhampton fifth worst for the average driving speed, with motorists travelling at 14.79mph.

It follows the announcement of an upcoming 18-month swathe of roadworks on the A449 last week.

Conservative group leader Wendy Thompson has urged bosses to rethink proposals for the scheme between Junction 2 of the M54, at Fordhouses, and Springfield Lane.

Bosses had described them as 'short-term pain for long-term gain'.

But Councillor Thompson has accused the authority's Labour leadership of clogging up routes into the city which are vital for both workers and shoppers - and costing businesses cash.

However, Labour cabinet member Milkinder Jaspal responded to her claims by saying she was 'talking nonsense'.

Councillor Thompson said: "I can't believe the amount of roadworks that are going on at the moment.

"The amount of time some of them are taking is absolutely incredible.

"The cost for businesses must be enormous and the frustration for drivers as well.

"I really find it inexplicable that all these roadworks are coming - it's utterly appalling.

"It is a war against motorists. We know roadworks need doing and development needs to take place.

"But all this work gives the impression of a lack of co-ordination and a lack of sympathy for motorists."

The aim of the newly-announced project is to improve access to i54, the Wolverhampton Business Park, and the Junction 2 employment area.

It is expected to be funded by the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership ‘Local Growth Fund’.

Earlier this month work began in Newhampton Road West, Wolverhampton, to replace more than 1km of iron gas mains.

Other works are ongoing further south on the Stafford Road, in Wolverhampton city centre on Pipers Row, and on the Birmingham New Road near Coseley.

Councillor Jaspal said: "Saying we are waging war against motorists is a load of rubbish.

"We're making constant improvements to the roads and a lot of roadworks are also being done by utility companies and they are urgent work that needs to be done.

"Saying it is a war against motorists is a load of nonsense - if we don't do the repairs and maintenance then they will end up in a worse state.

"As I have said before if we do not do work to maintain the roads then we will just get more claims from people.

"But if we do the works then people get can stuck in traffic jams."

Cambridge was ranked the slowest city in the UK in the figures, with average speeds of 13.73mph.

When the new A449 roadworks were revealed, Councillor Steve Evans, Wolverhampton council's cabinet member for city environment, said: “Our highways improvements programme is making a big difference to the transport network in the City of Wolverhampton.

“The Stafford Road Area Action Plan (AAP) and the emerging South Staffordshire Site Allocation Document (SAD) present significant opportunities for improved and additional employment land along the A449 corridor and to the north of the city, including the next phase of development at i54.

“It is vitally important the road network matches those ambitions and supports businesses and jobs growth in the area.

“We are working closely with businesses and residents to ensure we deliver a scheme that benefits everyone and, as always, we will aim to minimise disruption.”