Express & Star

Plan for 60 village homes rejected over road safety concerns

Controversial plans for more than 60 homes in Albrighton have been thrown out by councillors over concerns about road safety.

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There was standing room only at Shropshire Council’s central planning committee meeting as around 30 members of the public turned up to show their opposition to plans for six bungalows and 58 houses on land off Shaw Lane in Albrighton.

They cheered when the committee unanimously voted to refuse the application.

The proposal was rejected earlier this year when it was combined with a plan which also included an extra care facility.

The latest proposal dropped the extra care element but councillors again refused the plans, from developers Jessup, over concerns about the safety on Shaw Lane - particularly of pupils attending the nearby St Mary’s Primary School.

The plan had included an access road onto Shaw Lane, instead of Kingswood Road, as favoured by Albrighton Parish Council, and Shropshire Council.

The committee heard that the developers would need permission to cross land they do not own to create an access to Kingswood Road.

Councillors at the meeting pressed Clive Jessup, of Jessup, on whether they had held discussions about using land owned by other developers for an access onto Kingswood Road.

He said: “Yes, we have and the response was if you get a refusal come back and we will chat about what we need to make it happen.”

Mr Jessup also told the members the application would address a lack of affordable housing, with 30 of the homes being available under the criteria.

The committee had heard concerns over the effect of the development on flooding in the area.

The application planned to connect connect foul and surface drainage to the north, a move criticised by the local council in light of flooding in the area.


Councillor Malcolm Pate, who represents Albrighton, said the access would put children attending school near to the development at risk.

He said: “You have 200 children walking up and down there with no railings. There is a danger to the children. When someone is killed I will come back and ask “why was it permitted?”.

He added: “I cannot understand how this application can go forward to the committee to permit it? It is absurd.

“What these people need to do is go to Boningale Homes and arrange a proper access that is already on the plan.

“You can see by the number of people present here today the feeling about it.

“It is not just nimbys who do not want it. There are very good reasons outlined in the report.”

He added: “Shaw Lane is the most congested road in Albrighton.

“Anyone in Albrighton will tell you it is an absolute nonsense to take this development off that junction.”

Members of the committee backed the view and said they agreed with the concerns over the access, and plans for the drainage.

Councillor Simon Harris also spoke about the strain on the local GP surgery.

He said: “Last time it came through the doctors were here and they said they are full to capacity. Full to the brim.

“It is not a planning matter but I believe it’s something we should consider.”

Committee member Michael Wood added: “Even in the school holiday time Shaw Lane is an absolute nightmare.

“Do not let anyone try to convince you otherwise.”