Express & Star

Homes plan for 'eyesore' Walsall site gets the green light

New life looks set to transform an ‘eyesore’ site – but businesses based there may be forced to relocate.

Sunnyside Farms in Walsall Wood, where 62 houses will be built

Walsall Council’s planning committee has rubber stamped the plans for 62 houses to be built at Sunnyside Farm in Walsall Wood, which was referred to as ‘neither sunny nor a farm’, after agreeing that the plans would improve the area.

But businesses which have been based on the site on Northgate for years have had their futures thrown into doubt over fears they would have to move if the plans go ahead.

One owner, who has ran the lorry firm Universal Exports there for 20 years, previously told the Express and Star he has been looking for places to move to for 18 months without any luck and may have to sell.

Another business owner, Steve Morris, who owns a car dealership, says he has been forced into early retirement.

But Councillor Keith Sears said: “It is encroachment on the green belt which is against council policy and I am concerned for the people with local businesses and jobs.

“Plus it is over intensification of the area. There will be too many properties on such a small plot of land.”

But councillors condemned the appearance of the land and said the development would provide new houses that are needed in the area.

Councillor Mike Bird: “It is neither sunny nor a farm. It is an eyesore that has been there for 50 years.

“What we are looking at is dramatic improvement to what we have there now compared to what we would have.

"I think the development will give some good quality and affordable houses to Aldridge. At the moment it is full of rubbish.

“We need to look at Northgate though. It is a nightmare turning onto it.”

Concerns were raised about the access to the site and the amount of traffic the new houses will cause on the B4152 Northgate.

Councillors discussed the possibility of introducing a speed limit to ease the flow of traffic.

The development will be made up of 18 affordable dwellings and 45 private dwellings with car parking.

Developers Silverlane Greengage Ltd submitted the plans back in July last year.

The affordable houses will be made up of 10 one-bedroom apartments, six two-bedroom apartments and a pair of four-bed semi-detached houses.

The commercial units currently situated there will be demolished to make way for the new houses and the open space.

The matter will be put to members of the full council at an upcoming meeting.