Express & Star

We'll ban knives like those that killed schoolboy Ronan Kanda, says Labour MP

Online sales of 'ninja swords' of the kind used to murder schoolboy Ronan Kanda would be banned by a future Labour government, says a Black Country MP.


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Pat McFadden, MP for Wolverhampton South East, said the Government had rejected Labour proposals to include the sale of the weapons in measures proposed earlier this year.

A Bill to ban the sale of 'zombie knives' and machetes was introduced into the Commons in January.

This week's dissolution of parliament means it will not go ahead before the election, but Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told the Express & Star it would be re-introduced immediately if he were re-elected.

Mr McFadden said the measure was a step in the right direction, but did not go far enough.

He said he was disappointed the proposed amendments to the Criminal Justice Act were not extended to cover weapons like those used to kill Ronan.

Ronan, 16, was murdered near his home in Lanesfield by two 17-year-olds in a case of mistaken identity. His killers, Prabjeet Veadhesa and Sukhman Shergill, were sentenced to a total of 34 years in prison, at Wolverhampton Crown Court in July last year.

Ronan was attacked with a 17in 'ninja sword' bought over the internet.

Mr McFadden said the Government's Bill didn't go far enough in tackling the problem.

"Labour supported an outright ban on the sale of ninja swords, which was a weapon used to kill my constituent Ronan Kanda," he said.

"Sadly, the Government didn't support that ban, but I still believe there's a need for strong legislation to restrict the online sale of large bladed knives.

"Keir Starmer has said that they will be banned if elected."