Express & Star

Salary increases in the pipeline for Dudley Council's top earners despite bankruptcy fears

Despite being close to effective bankruptcy, Dudley Council is planning to award its top bosses pay rises.

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Dudley Council chief executive, Kevin O’Keefe, is set to take home more than £190,000 a year after his salary increase

The authority’s chief executive, Kevin O’Keefe, who has been on sick leave since before Christmas, is in line for £6,460 extra. The rise will take his salary before pension contributions to £191,017.

His deputy, Balvinder Heran, will get a pay hike of £5,434 to take her basic wage up to £160,785.

Councillor Steve Clark, cabinet member for finance and legal services, said: “Salaries and increases are negotiated annually at a national level for all local authority staff, and included in our budget setting.

“The pay rise of 3.5 per cent has been applied to all local authority chief executives.