Express & Star

Walsall Council chief set for fresh leadership challenge as Tory divisions continue

A senior councillor is set to mount a fresh bid to topple the leader of Walsall Council.

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Walsall Council leader Mike Bird

Councillor Suky Samra – who is currently suspended from the Conservative group – has confirmed he plans to take on long-standing Tory leader Mike Bird after May's local elections.

It will mark the Streetly councillor's second leadership bid after an attempt last year fell short.

Councillor Samra told the Express & Star: "I will be challenging Councillor Bird after the elections because I do not like the direction he is taking the Conservative group in."

Mr Bird, who has represented Pheasey Park Farm for 43 years, said: "If Councillor Samra were to read the Local Government Association's independent peer review, he would see that Walsall Council has outstanding leadership and is considered one of the best – if not the best –in the country.

"The Conservative group has a democratic vote for its leader every year, but might I remind Councillor Samra that at the moment he is not a member of that group."

Councillor Suky Samra, who represents Streetly ward on Walsall Council

Councillor Samra was suspended on Friday pending an investigation by the monitoring officer into an alleged breach of the members code of conduct over "discrepancies" in his declaration of interests.

He has vowed to clear his name and said the suspension was part of a political witch-hunt.

It marks the latest episode in the fractious relationship between the two councillors.

Last year Councillor Samra mounted an unsuccessful challenge against Councillor Bird's leadership, after accusing the long-standing leader of causing discord in the group.

It came after he had taken out a High Court injunction to overturn an attempt to deselect him and Aldridge South councillor Bobby Bains.

Earlier this year Councillor Samra called for Aldridge-Brownhills MP Wendy Morton to stand down at the next election. She has since been re-selected.