Express & Star

MP urges support for laid off workers

An MP has called for new measures to support people who are made redundant during the coronavirus outbreak.

Labour MP Pat McFadden

Pat McFadden urged ministers to bring forward a financial package to help people left without an income due to social distancing measures.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced a £330 billion lifeline to support the economy during the Covid-19 pandemic, but he acknowledged that more direct help was needed for people who were laid off.

Wolverhampton South East Labour MP Mr McFadden, said: "Governments around the world are scrambling to come to terms with the huge economic impact of this crisis.

"That means the normal rules of what Government would consider appropriate spending will have to be set aside for now.

"The Chancellor’s package will help to some degree but most of it is loan guarantees rather than direct cash help and many businesses will not want to take on further debt at this time.

"The Chancellor acknowledged that the big piece missing was help for workers laid off – either employed or self-employed – as a result of the Government’s advice to the country to cease all unnecessary social contact.

"These are unprecedented times and the Government has to bring forward a package to help people left without an income as a result of this advice.

"Otherwise people simply won’t be able to pay their bills."

Mr Sunak has confirmed that proposals are being discussed with businesses and trade unions.

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