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MEP Bill Etheridge attacks government 'backsliding' at Dudley Brexit rally - with pictures

West Midlands MEP Bill Etheridge criticised 'backsliding from the Government' in its EU negotiations on Brexit at a rally in Dudley.

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Bill Etheridge speaking at the Brexit rally in Dudley

The UKIP politician called for a clean break from Europe, blasting the government for compromising on its pledge to make a clean break with the union.

He said the Prime Minister's latest talks meant the UK would have to abide by new EU rules, including dictats on the single market and human rights.

Mr Etheridge told a gathering in Stone Square on Saturday: "The terms of Teresa May's negotiations are that we still won't have full control over our trade with other countries.

"We are officially leaving the EU and losing our representation but the tentacles of the EU will still be felt.

"She has not delivered. Instead we get headlines like 'Leave means leave' which are just meaningless, glib catchphrases."

The UKIP rally outside Ian Austin's office where Bill Etheridge posted a demand

Mr Etheridge, who quit as UKIP's sports spokesman last month in protest at party leader Henry Bolton's refusal to stand down, argued that Brexit supporters were being 'betrayed' by Labour and Tory MPs in Westminster.

A crowd of around 50 from across the Black Country and beyond, many carrying banners and Union Jacks, attended the rally.

Afterwards they marched to Dudley North MP Ian Austin's constituency office in Trinity Road and posted a letter demanding that he better reflect voters' views on Brexit.

Mr Etheridge said: "The people of Dudley North voted two-to-one to leave the EU but Ian Austin is not representing those views in Parliament."

Other speakers at the rally included members of White Pendragons, a far-right group who last month attempted a citizen's arrest of London's first Muslim mayor.

Spokesmen for the Modernday Chartists and the Football Lads Alliance also addressed the crowd.

Mr Etheridge said: "I will continue to campaign for complete independence from Europe and to highlight the government's failings on the subject until we get what we want."