Express & Star

Driving a BMW makes you less attractive, according to Valentine's survey

Driving a BMW and smoking at the wheel are two of the biggest driving 'turn-offs', a survey suggests.

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The results of a survey suggest certain car-related behaviours give people the "ick!"

And if there's anyone out there who kisses their car goodnight, that's quite high up the list of things that give people the 'ick'.

The 'ick' is a new way to describe the moment when an attraction to a current or potential partner quickly switches to a feeling of disgust - often due to specific behaviour.

A survey by Scrap Car Comparison asked 2000 people what they thought were the worst things a driver could do, and the most 'unattractive' car they could own.

The below five cars did not fare brilliantly when it came to attractiveness, according to Scrap Car Comparison's research.

  • BMW

  • Fiat

  • Skoda

  • Smart

  • Audi

Here are the most off-putting driving behaviours, with getting behind the wheel after drinking ranked number one:

  • Driving after drinking, 45%

  • Dangerous driving, 42%

  • Using their phone while driving, 38%

  • Driving without a licence or while banned from driving, 38%

  • Posting selfies on social media while driving, 35%

  • Kissing their car goodnight, 33%

  • Smoking or vaping while driving, 32%

  • Exhibiting road rage to other drivers, 32%

  • Parking on double yellow lines, disabled bays, parents and child bays if not authorised, 31%

  • Revving their engine at traffic lights or when stationary, 29%