Express & Star

Gate to be installed in Bushbury to tackle fly-tipping

A road which has been blighted by fly-tipping will be gated off in a bid to tackle the problem.

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The proposed location of the gates

Council chiefs will install a gate on the section of Primrose Avenue in Bushbury to shut off vehicle access.

In the past 12 months, clearing up fly-tipping on the road has seen Wolverhampton Homes and Indeed Environmental Services incur costs of £4,400.

This sparked Wolverhampton council into action and they have given the green light to a new Public Spaces Protection Order.

A council report says imposing the gate in Primrose Avenue under the PSPO will 'help prevent fly-tipping which has been an on-going problem at this site for a number of years'.

The report states: "Indeed Environmental Services and Wolverhampton Homes have incurred costs totalling £4,400 to clear fly-tipped material from this site in the last 12 months.

"In addition the police have confirmed that in the past 12 months there were two logged incidents of anti-social behaviour in the area behind the flats, noise nuisance and drinking.

"The police also report that they are currently addressing an entrenched neighbourhood drug dealing issue across Low Hill and Bushbury and have received several reports of drug dealing both in front and behind the flats on Primrose Avenue...

"The gate would be permanently closed allowing only legitimate access by key for essential maintenance and refuse vehicles.

"Pedestrian access will be maintained as currently along the footway.

"Residents’ vehicles will use a different access, via the Wolverhampton Homes gate at the north end of the flats site."

Of 20 responses to a consultation about the gate, 19 were in favour.