Tories accuse council of wasting £1.3 million on admin in Bilston market regeneration scheme
Tories have accused Wolverhampton Council of squandering £1.3 million of regeneration money on admin as part of the plans to redevelop Bilston Market.

Councillor Wendy Dalton, deputy leader of the council's opposition Conservative group, said it was unacceptable that only £3.9 million of a £5.2 million government grant would be spent on actual improvements in the town.
She also repeated group leader Councillor Simon Bennett's criticisms of a similar scheme in Wednesfield, saying £1.2 million of a £3.2 million levelling-up grant had been spent before a spade had been put in the ground.
But Councillor Stephen Simkins, leader of the council, said the Tories "need a lesson on how construction projects are delivered".
Councillor Dalton said the money had been allocated to be spent on the towns themselves, not administration.

She said: “While Councillor Simkins insists there is no ‘missing million,’ the real question is why over a quarter of the entire budget - £1.2 million— is being spent on developing and delivering the scheme rather than on actual improvements.
"Residents deserve to see this money making a real difference on the ground, not being swallowed up by administrative costs and consultancy fees."