Express & Star

Take a great leap to raise funds for charity

A city palliative care charity is inviting people to take to the skies for a fundraising challenge.


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Compton Care is inviting supporters to join a sky-diving challenge on October 5 to raise much-needed funds for the Wolverhampton-based charity.

The challenge will take place in Whitchurch in Shropshire and see each participant harnessed to a parachute instructor and receive full training before taking a leap from a plane at 10,000ft and engage in a 5,000ft free fall.

To take part, participants need to pay a non-refundable £50 registration fee and then raise a minimum of £450.

A spokesman for Compton Care said: "Have you ever thought about leaping from a plane at 10,000ft, free falling for 5,000ft before pulling the rip cord and parachute the final distance down to earth?

"If so, why not join Compton Care on Saturday 5 October and take part in their charity skydive a real once in a lifetime experience.

"Taking place in Whitchurch, Shropshire, the fundraising daredevils will be harnessed to a professional parachute instructor throughout the descent, receive full training and be taught how to steer onto the drop zone landing controlled by the instructor.

"To take part in this tandem skydive in support of Compton Care, you’ll need to pay a non-refundable £50 registration fee to secure your skydive place, and raise a minimum of £450.

"Compton Care will provide you with everything you need including sponsor forms and you can create an online fundraising page, allowing you to share news of your skydive far and wide between friends, family and colleagues to help you hit your target."

Community & Events Fundraiser at Compton Care, Cara Bright, said: “This is a fantastic and exhilarating opportunity for anyone wanting to support Compton Care.

"It’s a great way to support the charity, which provides specialist palliative and bereavement support to people in Wolverhampton and the surrounding areas, while having an amazing experience you’ll never forget.”

To find out more about the event and to register, go to

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