Express & Star

'Our volunteers are everything': Wolverhampton charity kitchen serves its 100,000th resident

A charitable group set up to help hungry locals is now celebrating feeding its 100,000th customer.


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Friends of Di's Kitchen (FoDK), based in Wolverhampton, delivers food parcels to vulnerable people every Thursday, including to hundreds of hungry children.

The group, which operates out of its founder Jan Kellond's home, has seen its capacity grow over the last four years from six people a day to more than 1,000.

It has been able to expand its operation through social media and networking, meaning food donations have increased over the months, benefitting more and more people.

And now, the incredible team have served their 100,000th customer, feeding people across the region who've been in need of a helping hand while battling through a cost of living crisis.

The charity Friends of Di's Kitchen, pictured front right is organiser Jan Kellond