Youngsters invited to come to youth-themed festival
Youngsters from across a city are being invited to join a day of activity.

Wolverhampton Council is inviting youngsters aged between 11 and 18-years-old to come to the Same Difference festival at West Park.
Taking place on Sunday, August 13 and running between 11am and 5.30pm, the festival is for young people and led by young people.
There will be music from local bands, spoken word, bhangra dancing, drumming workshops and drop-in creative sessions from a range of Wolverhampton Cultural Education Partners (CEP) including RAW real arts workshop, The Art of Being Holly, Aazard Art, Hit the Dhol, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, Kathleen Fabre, The Way and The Fabric Tattoo Company.
A range of young people will be performing on the main stage, organised by Wolverhampton Music Service, along with spoken word from young people curated by Wolverhampton Arts and Culture and compared by Emma Purshouse of Poets, Prattlers and Pandemonialists, which will link to Wolverhampton Literature Festival.
Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Visitor City, Councillor Bhupinder Gakhal, said: “Children and young adults are the city’s future as they help us in developing a culturally diverse city.
“The Local and Wolverhampton CEP is a fantastic platform for children and young people aged 0 to 25 to share their resources, knowledge and skills as part of the projects, events and activities they want to be involved in.”
Wolverhampton CEP, which is part of Department for Educational Local Cultural Education Partnership, was set up in 2015 and said it believes children and young people should shape the city’s cultural offer and provides opportunities for 0 to 25-year-olds across the city.
Membership is made up of organisations that work with children and young people including cultural organisations, education settings, artist educators and teachers.
Same Difference is supported by a young volunteering program co-ordinated by Wolverhampton CEP and Creative Volunteering Futures Project - Creative Black Country working with Gazebo, RAG arts, Wolverhampton Art Gallery’s ArtForum, #YES and local young volunteers aged 16-25 years.
This year, there is also a fringe program at Newhampton Arts Centre for young people with additional needs, curated by Curiosity Productions.
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