Express & Star

Pints for under £2 as famous Wolverhampton club launches plan to attract new members

It's considered to be the oldest working men's club in the UK, and it is also the place where Wolverhampton drinkers can get a pint for less than £2.

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People at West End Working Men's Club, Wolverhampton, celebrate the fact that the pints are only £1.95. Mick Payne and Kelvin Turner are pictured here.

West End Working Men's Club in Wolverhampton started in 1893 and has traded continuously since then, only interrupted by world wars and the Covid pandemic.

This year it celebrates its 130th birthday and the price of three popular drinks has been lowered to £1.95 to beat the cost of living rise which has left pubs and clubs struggling to survive.

The price drop and the regular karaoke sessions and an occasional live singer seems to be turning the tide for the club, situated in Meridale Street West, Pennfields.

According to treasurer and chairman Doug Whild trade has been 'good' in the last two weekends since the prices were lowered.

People at West End Working Men's Club, Wolverhampton, celebrate the fact that the pints are only £1.95..Grace Lawton pulls one of the pints..