Express & Star

This graffiti mocking Theresa May has appeared in Wolverhampton

Graffiti has been daubed on the wall of a brewery in the Black Country poking fun at the General Election result.

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The graffiti mocking Theresa May was created by Banks's Brewery

The graffiti is the latest to have been created by Banks’s Brewery in Wolverhampton and lampoons Prime Minister Theresa May for calling the vote which resulted in a hung Parliament.

It suggests her decision to call the election was an ‘own goal’ which has backfired on her.

The artwork in Wolverhampton is the latest in a series of similar images that have been dotted around the area – mimicking the efforts of Banksy.

Banks’s mischievous ads are part of a campaign called Tell It Like It Is. They combine real graffiti from independent artist Graffoflarge with the brewery’s social platforms.

The campaign launched just before Christmas and has been a hit online.

In January, Banks’s paid tribute to former Wolves boss Graham Taylor after his death with a touching street art mural to the former manager.

The latest graffiti comes in the wake of the General Election result which has dominated the headlines. On Monday night Mrs May told Tory MPs she was ‘the person who got us into this mess and I’m the one who will get us out of it’.

Tory MPs at the backbench 1922 Committee reportedly banged tables for around 25 seconds and briefly cheered as the Prime Minister arrived at the crunch meeting inside the Palace of Westminster.

It came amid suggestions from some of Mrs May’s own MPs that she would have to stand down as PM after a disastrous general election in which the Tories lost their majority and are now having to turn to the Democratic Unionist Party for support to continue governing.