Express & Star

Four people injured in crash between cars and van in Darlaston

Four people were injured in a crash involving two cars and a van.


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Emergency services rushed to the scene of Dangerfield Lane, Darlaston, at around 1.28pm to reports of a serious collision.

Three ambulances, a paramedic officer a MERIT trauma doctor and a critical care paramedic were sent to the scene, where they discovered the three vehicles and four patients.

A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesperson said: "We were called at 1.28pm to a road traffic collision involving a van and two cars on Dangerfield Lane in Darlaston, Wednesbury.

"Three ambulances, a paramedic officer and a MERIT trauma doctor and critical care paramedic attended the scene.

"Upon arrival, we found four patients. Firstly, a man who was the driver of the van was extricated from the vehicle by the fire service. Once extricated, he was assessed and had sustained potentially serious injuries. He received treatment at the scene.

"Secondly, a man who was the driver of the car, was assessed and had sustained potentially serious injuries. He received treatment at the scene.

"Third, a woman who was the driver of the third car. She had sustained injuries not believed to be serious and received treatment at the scene.

"All three were conveyed to Walsall Manor Hospital for further assessment.

"The fourth patient was assessed and had sustained non-serious injuries. They received self-care advice before being discharged at the scene."

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