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Hundreds turn out for unveiling of 'great' Queen Elizabeth II statue in Walsall

Hundreds of people turned out to witness the unveiling of a life-sized statue of the late Queen Elizabeth II.

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Park Road, Walsall, was filled with jubilant faces as the newest statue to commemorate the life of Britain's longest-serving monarch was unveiled outside of Walsh Funerals and Memorials on Park Road, off Bloxwich High Street on Sunday.

The life-sized statue was carved from a single piece of granite, with the unveiling being visited by Mark 'Billy' Billingham, presenter of Channel 4's hit show SAS: Who Dares Wins.

Talking about the unveiling, Walsh Funerals and Memorials director, Jack Walsh, said it was 'overwhelming' to see so many people attend.

The scultpure was called 'beautiful' by the visitors

He said: "Honestly, I'm astonished and overwhelmed by the turnout, it really did touch the emotional side of myself deeply.

"This statue has been more than 12 months in the making. The finished product I think is amazing, it's a real testament to the hard work that the team have put into it."

The statue was hand-crafted from a single block of tough granite transported by India, which Jake says only adds to the significant symbolism behind the sculpture.

The unveiling of the Queen Elizabeth II statue. Unveiling it is Mayor Anthony Harris, SAS Who Dares Wins Billy BIngham, retired Lt Col Mark Gaunt and scultpure Jake Walsh.

Jake continued: "The amount of work to get the statue to resemble as much like as we did was astonishing. Granite is one of the hardest materials to work with by hand, I am so proud of everyone.

"We source the granite from India. There is obviously a lot of symbolism in that with how much influence both the Queen and India had on each other."

TP Riley Army Cadets held a march to mark the significant event

The ceremony was visited by members of the cadets, civil dignitaries and residents from around the area. Jake said the turnout was a 'testament' to the hard work of his father and business founder Andrew, and the team.

He said: "There were a few speeches, the cadets marched and the visitors all loved the unveiling. I really am so overwhelmed.

"It's a real testament to the hard work my dad has put into the business."

TP Riley Army Cadets with Billy Billingham

The latest unveiling comes following Walsh's controversial 'Black Diana' statue, which critics chastised for its black veneer coating, however, Jake said the latest statue only serves to show the advancements in the skills of the artists.

Jake said: "The Princess Diana statue, was made at a time when carvers still worked by hammer and chisel, only headstones were black and it was extremely hard to work with.

"But now, what this really shows is the advancements in the techniques of our artists. It really shows how the industry has changed and how the talent of our workers has progressed over time."

Creator Jake Walsh with the new Sculpter

Residents flocked to the ceremony to see the unveiling, with many saying noting how 'beautiful' the statue is to see.

Jonathan Walkins, 32, of Walsall, who visited the event, said: "It was really amazing to see. It's a really beautiful statue. I think the Queen would have been pleased with how it looked.

"The speech was really good. It's great to remember how much of her life she actually dedicated to the people, not even just to Britain, but also to the world."

Unveiling of Elizabeth II statue

Talking about both statues, Geoff Webster, 49, of Walsall, said: "I remember the Diana statue, it looked quite bad when they first made it. Once they took that black coating off it looked alright though.

"But this one of Queen Elizabeth, it is great, it's a really good likeness and I really think they have redeemed themselves, it's a really nice piece of artwork."

The statue can be seen sitting outside of the Walsh Funerals and Memorials building on Park Road, Walsall.