Express & Star

Funeral held for stab victim James Brindley

Family and friends of murdered Black Country man James Brindley turned out for his funeral today.

James Brindley's funeral took place at St Mary's Church in Aldridge

The popular model died in his parents’ arms after he was stabbed in the heart while walking down Aldridge High Street following a night out around midnight on June 23.

His funeral was held at St Mary’s Church in his home town at 11am with close family and friends.

There has been a tremendous response to his fundraising page to help the family with funeral costs has achieved almost £16,000 - a thousand more than what they were aiming for.

They surpassed their original target of £9,000 in just two days and flowers were placed around Aldridge in tribute to him.

James was on the phone to his girlfriend moments before the incident happened.

Four students coming back from their prom came across him on High Street and stayed with him until the paramedics arrived on the scene but could not save his life.

Two men have been charged and are due to appear in court later this year. Aaron Kahrod, 20, of Walsall Road, Aldridge, and a youth aged 17, who cannot be named for legal reasons, are accused of the killing.