Express & Star

Homes plan approved for county council land

Staffordshire County Council has secured permission for up to five new homes to be built in Stafford, despite concerns for the safety of children walking to a nearby school


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The land off The Rise in Walton on the Hill is currently used as an informal footpath, providing a walking route from Selworthy Drive to Walton High School.

The land was previously identified as within a possible route of Stafford’s proposed eastern bypass.

A report to Stafford Borough Council’s planning committee said that scheme has been abandoned however and the land is now surplus to the county council’s requirements.

Planning permission was previously granted for five new homes on the land in 2009, but the development never took place.

Now, a fresh application seeking permission for five homes and an access onto the site has been approved by borough councillors.

Further details, such as the size, design and layout of the homes will be considered at a later date when a reserved matters application comes forward.

But the outline proposals granted permission by the committee sparked objections from six residents and Berkswich Parish Council for reasons including road safety and loss of green space.

Ward councillor Peter Edgeller, who called in the application for consideration by the planning committee, said: “Most of the proposals are in the air at the moment, none have been confirmed as such except the fact they are going to place up to five houses in this area.

"My problem with it is that no address has been made on the impact on children at Walton School.

“The access is directly onto the pathway that children who walk to school every day cross.

"We’re talking about up to 10 cars in the area, wanting to come in and out at peak times, at the same time children want to get to school.

“I have seen with my own eyes the ways children sometimes react when they see their friends.

"I’ve seen them run across without wondering if there are any cars coming.

“It’s also going to be in an area that has had problems with flooding at the bottom where the entrance is going to be.

"But my main objection to this is the possible loss of life to a child because they don’t look and have cars coming left, right and centre.”

Kym Wilson, who spoke in support of the application at the meeting, said the highways authority had raised no concerns however.

She said: “The site includes a protected tree which would be retained and an informal footpath link which leads to Selworthy Drive – this would be retained and formalised.

“The site lies within the built-up area of Stafford, where there is presumption in favour of residential development.

"Drainage concerns expressed by local residents can be addressed at the detailed stage.

“The number of houses has been reduced from six to five.

"Indicative layout plans have been changed and additional biodiversity investigations have been carried out.”

The committee heard that the highways department had raised no objections, subject to conditions relating to the footway link, visibility splays, access, parking and turning areas, drainage, surfacing materials and a construction management plan.

A report to the committee added: “The proposed access is acceptable and can provide sufficient visibility.

“The site can provide sufficient parking provision. The scheme includes the provision of a footway across the site.”

Committee member Councillor Tony Pearce said: “My understanding is we have to accept the advice of the county highways department, even where we ourselves believe that advice not to be correct.

"It seems to me that, albeit we may have concerns, we have little choice but to approve it.”

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