Express & Star

Housing scheme in village planned years after locals fought off 'indiscriminate development'

Residents who fought against “indiscriminate development” in their village a decade ago are once again concerned more buildings could be on the cards in the future.

A Google Street View Image Of A Gnosall Village Entrance Sign On The A518

Gnosall Resists Indiscriminate Development (GRID) campaigned against proposals including an application to build 150 homes on land at Stafford Road put forward by Staffordshire County Council.

But the prospect of more housebuilding in the village has once again become an issue for discussion. Land off Knightley Road is now being considered for an affordable housing scheme by Wrekin Housing Group and residents were given details of how the community could help shape the development at a public meeting last month.

Councillor Gail Gregory, who chaired the meeting, said: “Development of any kind is an emotive topic and it raises people’s temperatures. It is also important we realise local authorities are under tremendous pressure to build.

“As a population, we are growing but we need to accommodate people we have got. My concern is there is so much housing not in use that should be brought back into use.