Express & Star

Councillor warned “be careful with your language” during asylum seeker accommodation discussion

A Stafford councillor has been warned to be careful about his choice of language after using the words “illegal immigrants” during a discussion on asylum seeker accommodation.

A Google Street View Image Of Stafford Court Beaconside Stafford.

Councillor John Francis’ comments came just minutes after fellow county councillor Bob Spencer urged members to “exercise some restraint and control” when speaking about the plans for Stafford Court during a public meeting.

County council chairman Phil Hewitt told Councillor Francis: “Please be very careful with your language”. Councillor Francis replied: “I’m just repeating what’s been said in other places.

“I’m not against immigration. I love the Commonwealth and we have Indians in our family group who came over in the 60s; I’ve got friends who are doctors and they’re fantastic people.

“I’ve had emails and phone calls by the dozen over this from my constituents who live in the area, so I’m here to represent them. The problem with this application is it’s in the wrong place.

“It’s next to an army camp, there’s a primary school next door, a sports facility opposite, a high school and the police HQ, so there’s some serious issues here. I’ve been into that accommodation and it’s like prison cells – it’s not the right accommodation for these people.”