Express & Star

Stafford council urged to cancel £36 brown bin collection charge

A Stafford resident has called for a controversial new garden waste charge to be cancelled before it comes into force in January.

Last updated

Margaret George has also urged fellow residents unhappy with the proposed fee to lobby Stafford Borough Council councillors who represent their area in a bid to get it stopped.

The council approved the brown bin collection charge at its latest full meeting. From January 1 residents who want garden waste to be collected from their brown bin will have to pay £36 a year upfront.

The charge was first proposed in 2019 as part of measures to help the council balance its books in the years to come.

But Margaret said many people may have been unaware it was due to come into force as information on bin collection calendars was “not very prominent”.

She added: “Householders are receiving postcards asking them to sign up to the new charge. Not very much notice – is the council trying to do away with the collection altogether?

“One thing is certain, the law of nature will ensure that in warmer weather gardens will continue to grow. So where is all this bountiful vegetation to go? Watch out for bags of grass cuttings, hedge trimmings and weeds being fly tipped over a hedge near you!

“The council suggest that we take our garden refuse to the local tips. Not everyone is able to transport their waste, also encouraging regular car journeys would increase carbon emissions. We already endure extra charges at waste tips for certain domestic waste.”

Speaking at the full council meeting where the charge was approved, Jonathan Price, cabinet member for environment, said: “Council tax has never paid for a brown bin collection, we have provided it for free. We are one of the last authorities to introduce brown bin charging – 70 per cent have.

“Some authorities don’t collect brown bins at all. We have no legal obligation to provide the service.”

Difficult decision

Later he added: “I have been proud of the fact this council was in the minority to the rest of the country by not charging our residents for their garden waste collection – so this has been a very difficult decision to take.

“Most people appreciate the difficulties councils find themselves in financially and by asking for an annual contribution we can ensure those who use the brown bin service can continue to receive it.

“By charging people who use this service we are able to help balance our budgets and protect other essential frontline services that our community relies on.”

Margaret described the free service as “commendable”. But she added: “What unfortunate timing to ask members of our community, who increasingly face being made unemployed and losing income, to add to their problems by asking them to pay upfront £36 – a huge amount when you are managing on benefit.

“While this is not a direct Covid-related cost, at such a time when householders are suffering from restrictions, loss of loved ones and uncertainty about their future employment, to ask them to pay out quite a substantial sum of money, regardless as to their ability to pay, shows a lack of understanding and compassion for the people they serve.

“Many people have suggested that an increase in the council tax would be preferable to this charge and be much fairer on the poorer households who cannot afford this cost. Another option could be to only have the brown bins collected in the summer months.

“I call upon Stafford Borough Council to cancel this onerous charge and think of another way to save money, otherwise any extra revenue raised will be spent cleaning up increased fly tipping. I also suggest that householders lobby their local councillors to get this charge stopped.”