Express & Star

Motorists driven around the bend by 'confusing' signs

New fines for drivers apparently ignoring roads signs in Stafford town centre have wreaked havoc for motorists.

South Walls which is for buses and taxis only.

A fortnight ago Staffordshire Police announced it was going to slap people with £100 fixed penalty notices for heading down South Walls which is for buses and taxis only.

The force stated dozens of drivers a day were using it as a short cut but had only been warned in the past.

On Wednesday October 18 officers fined 21 motorists and vowed to carry out further enforcement in the future.

But it has enraged drivers who claim the signs on the roundabout linking South Walls, Greengate Street, Mill Bank and Bridge Street are confusing.

South Walls displays the 'no motor vehicles' sign - the red circle with a car and a bike - accompanied by a white sign which says 'except local buses and taxis'.

Mill Bank is also causing drivers a headache. It has the same 'no motor vehicles' sign only with a white sign stating '4am - 9pm except for access'. Greengate Street is no access. Bridge Street is the route drivers are supposed to take.

People have taken to the Friends of Stafford Facebook page to vent their frustration.

Lorraine Conkey, from the group, said: "I think they do need to be made more clear, they also need to be lower down.

"You know how it can be, you are at the junction and someone's behind you, you haven't got that long to think about which is the right way to go."

Simon Williams commented: "Signs are confusing and if you go down Mill St and turn right you are then confronted by signs and you don't know whether to turn left, right or go straight on."

While Phil Cazanne added: "I feel sorry for any visitors coming into Stafford - what with traffic lights galore and confusing access to roads it is enough to put anyone off ever coming back."

A Staffordshire Police spokeswoman said: "Our operation was on South Walls/Bridge Street junction - not on Mill Bank.

"This was the spot identified to police as the problem location and, as it has a very straight forward restriction sign (buses and taxi's only) this was simple to enforce.

"Due to Mill Bank being so close to South Walls / Bridge Street there has been a lot of confusion.

"That specific operation was for the one day, but going forward there are going to be more planned operations.

"It is the council that is responsible for the signs, the content and the deployment."