Express & Star

Consultation launched over 200-home plan for Stafford site

More than 200 homes could be built near the site of the former police HQ in Stafford.

New homes could be built under plans

Developer Gladman Land has started a public consultation with plans to 155 houses and up to 55 care apartments on land next to the A34 Cannock Road near the Wildwood estate and Acton Hill Road.

But residents are against the proposals, with claims that the roads would be overcrowded just weeks after the nearby Staffordshire Police HQ was recently sold to make way for another estate.

The plans – which are subject to a planning application from the developer – would feature a new publicly accessible green space and play area.

Councillor Ray Barron who represents the Weeping Cross and Wildwood ward opposes the plans.

He said: "The firm sent us an email with the plans on it last week and I had no idea about it.

"I thought this end of town would be pretty free from any building with the Saxon Fields estate being built and the police headquarters getting the approval for homes recently.

"Access to the A34 is going to very dodgy and I've already had people raising problems who live in the area.

"It is in the very early stages. If it came up now I would oppose the plans at this present time."

Proposals could include a single priority controlled junction off the A34 Cannock Road for access to the estate.

Residents in the Wildwood area close to the development have received leaflets outlining the proposed development.

Elaine Griffiths, who lives in Wildwood, said: "This area of Stafford already has new estates being built; the recently sold police headquarters, the Baswich area opposite the Vauxhall garage and two new estates on the Tixall Road.

"I'm sure as it is the A34 Cannock Road, it cannot cope with yet another estate – probably consisting of another 400 cars plus. Then you have the strain on schools and doctors."

Councillor Barron initially highlighted that the proposals didn't come under The Plan for Stafford Borough – which manages where new developments (such as housing, shops and green spaces) can take place over the next 20 years.

But Stafford Borough Council confirmed the application would be managed by South Staffordshire District Council.

A spokesperson said: "This application will be decided by South Staffordshire District Council as the development is actually within their boundaries.

"It is unfortunate that the information being sent to residents in Stafford by the developer does not make that clear.

"Once a planning application has been submitted we will be consulted, as a neighbouring authority, as part of the statutory consultation process.

"But any decision on whether to give the go-ahead to these plans will be taken by South Staffordshire District Council."